
be intuitive, be inspired, be gold


Monday, March 18, 2019

8 Tips for Sustainable Fashion on a Budget

In this day and age most of our wardrobes are full of clothes from fast-fashion brands such as Primark and Missguided. By fast-fashion we mean cheaply made, cheaply sold clothes that we may decide to toss away after a couple of wears. This is hugely unsustainable and unethical on the environment and those working to give us the clothing we wear every day.

You may think it’s hard to be more ethical without reaching deep into your pockets or shopping for completely obscure brands but GOLD wants to prove you wrong…

Give your wardrobe a minimal overhaul and discover less stress getting dressed and lots of time saved on laundry.
Source: Pinterest

1.     Research!

The main reason we fall into a trap when it comes to ethical fashion is that we don’t read up on the background of the brands we’re buying from. If there’s no real information to be found on where the clothes are made or how they are made then you should probably question it! Just by doing this you can do your bit and make up your mind for yourself whether you want to shop somewhere or not.

2.     Swap your wardrobe!

Whether you attend an organized clothing swap or just swap your clothing with friends and family, you are helping to keep a sustainable wardrobe. Just because you may not want to keep or re-wear an item of clothing, doesn’t mean that someone else won’t find joy in it and you might get something you have always wanted for free!


3.     Donate clothes

Taking your clothes to charity shops instead of binning them is one way of being more sustainable whilst doing something for a good cause. H&M also run a scheme in which you can drop off any unwanted clothes to any store worldwide and they will do the rest. Your clothes are then either donated directly to charity or given a new lease of life instead of being turned to landfill.


       4.     Don’t buy if you won’t wear

When trying to be more sustainable it’s important to think about what you’re buying. If you don’t see yourself wearing an item of clothing on multiple occasions, it’s probably not worth buying at all. By being more conscious about this we can be more ethical whilst actually saving a ton of money in the long run!

  5.     Look after your clothes

One of the reasons a lot of our clothing gets chucked in the bin is down to its condition. Although fast-fashion is cheaply made and therefore more likely to break more easily, there are ways we can look after and preserve our clothes to limit how much we get rid of. Just by looking at the washing instructions instead of ignoring them we can really extend the life of our wardrobe. Also air-drying is usually better than tumble-drying. Keep it in mind!

        6.     Look in charity shops or vintage shops

Obviously this takes a bit of searching and browsing but by buying second-hand clothing we are really helping to be more sustainable and ethical. Don’t give up after looking in one shop though, persevere and you may be surprised at what you find! London especially has some amazing vintage shops and with the whole vintage trend becoming more of a thing at the moment, you can’t really go wrong!

Source: Pinterest

 7.     Less is more

Quality over quantity when it comes to fashion any day. By sticking to staple pieces such as a simple good-quality white t-shirt or leather jacket you will be much better off in the long-run. Yes, you may spend a little more to begin with, but by doing this you will actually SAVE money as you will not have to keep re-buying as regularly.

Source: Pinterest

8.     Buy handmade items

Look at sites such as Etsy, where you can buy handmade garments, as you can see exactly where the items are coming from and know they were not made cheaply in a completely different continent. By doing this you are not only helping to be more sustainable but helping someone’s small business or side-venture to grow.

 By following these few tips you can be more sustainable without splashing the cash on designer brands and hugely expensive items. After all, every little thing you do can help…

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