
be intuitive, be inspired, be gold


Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Wake Up Motivated


Waking up early in the mornings is a big no-no for most of us, but it turns out being a morning person isn’t so bad after all. 

Let’s get real, hitting snooze is the only thing we’re motivated to do in the morning. Sometimes waking up early can be the last thing on our minds. So, we’ve put together five simple steps to help you out and drag that lazy ass out of bed.  

1.    Place Your Phone On the Opposite Side Of The Room

This has been said many times before but it works. Having your phone or alarm clock on the other side of the room means you’ll actually have to get up out of bed. Unless of course, you want to listen to that awful piercing sound that we call an alarm. 

This is a quick and effective step that already helps you tackle the hardest part of any morning: getting out of bed. 

2.     Eat Breakfast 

Everyone says it’s the most important part of the day - and it is. Even if you don’t particularly like eating first thing in the morning, eating something simple like a piece of fruit is much better than nothing. And if you want to make every minute in bed count, there’s always the solution of having breakfast on the go.

All in all, eating breakfast in the morning has proven to improve your mood, focus and memory, making it a key factor in setting a positive tone for the day ahead. Plus, it’ll be the first out of many smart decisions you’ll make today.
source: Pinterest

3.      Play That Funky Music

Whether you’re into punk, classical or pop music, listening to your favourite tunes in the morning can give you that morning motivation and positive mindset you need. This is such a simple, yet convenient step that you can incorporate into your daily morning routine or even your commute to work. 
source: Pinterest

4.      Create A To-do List

It doesn’t have to be putting pen to paper. Writing a to-do list in your notes is just as effective, whichever suits you. Creating simple tasks to-do throughout the day will not only keep your focused, but it’s also pleasantly rewarding. 

Let’s face it, there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing how much you’ve completed in one day. 

5.     Wear Your Favourite Outfit 

Who doesn’t want to look and feel their best? When you wear something you feel comfortable in, you project confidence, which is always a major motivator. Choose a wardrobe that shows your personality and who you are. This way you’ll start looking forward to getting dressed in the morning. 
source: Pinterest

There’s nothing stopping you now.

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