
be intuitive, be inspired, be gold


Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Discount Apps You Need to Download

Download these apps and you and your bank can thank us later.

Do you ever find yourself flicking from website to website, looking at things you don't necessarily need or really have the money to buy but buy them anyway? Because same. With summer fast approaching, it can only mean for an update in our wardrobes and an excuse to eat out. 

Tight for cash? No problem girls, download these apps and you’ll be feeling a lot less guilty about buying those new shoes…

1  Honey

Are you tired of googling for discount codes to try and make your shopping total a bit more acceptable to part with? Google no more. If you download Honey onto your computer, then they’ll do the searching for you. This nifty little extension will automatically search for available and useful discount codes and apply them at checkout without you having to do anything differently. 

2  Wuntu

Now, this app is only available for Three customers, so if you’re with Three you’re in luck. This app provides you with a whole range of different deals, whether it's a £1 Costa coffee or money off your takeaway. The app isn’t just limited to food and drink though, oh no, you can find yourself deals on travel, fashion, beauty and many more.


This app is the discount bible for all students. If you haven’t already signed up with UniDays, then where have you been? For all the best discounts on basically anything you can think of, UniDays has you covered. 

Monday, February 25, 2019

How To Finesse Your Way Into The Fashion Industry

Fashion. Probably one of the hardest industries to finesse your way through. We know it’s tough, that’s why we’ve put together a list of ways to help make your dreams a reality…

1.   Let’s get real, girl!

First of all, let’s put all the ‘devil wears prada’ idealisations to bed. Yes, a job in fashion may seem like you’ll be living the life of luxury, but it’s simply not the truth, especially when you’re just starting out. You won’t just walk into a job either, get ready for competition, and lot’s of it. Be prepared for early starts and late nights, strict deadlines and tea-making opposed to champagne drinking.

source: Buzzfeed
2.   Internships, Internships, Internships!!!

One of the most vital things when trying to break into the fashion industry is experience. Without it, you won’t be hired. It doesn’t matter if you have studied something related to fashion or not, real experience is something that can’t be matched. Not only is it a way to move on to applying for real paid fashion jobs in the future, you could also land yourself a permanent position if you really prove yourself! Volunteering is also a great way to get yourself into the industry and show that you have real initiative and passion. Also remember to ask questions! You want to learn as much as you can as well as network.

Source: Pinterest

3.   Stay connected online

Keep your social media profiles updated and show how inspired you are by the fashion industry. Social media sites are also a great way to keep up to date with the latest trends and find fashion companies offering jobs and internships. LinkedIn is also a great way to add connections and even potentially get offered paid opportunities when you have the experience behind you! It may seem like a long shot when you’re first starting out in the industry but it’s important to keep an open mind as you don’t know where it could land you!

Source: Pinterest

 4.   Get creative…

In relation to our last point about keeping a social presence, think about ways in which you can get yourself noticed online. Maybe start a blog, writing about new trends or your favourite fashion icons, or even put yourself in the spotlight and tell the world what you’re wearing. Instagram is also great for getting yourself noticed in the fashion industry and for promoting your blog or showing off your photography or illustrations. Employers will most likely look out for things like this so what’s stopping you?!

Source: Pinterest

 5.   Don’t worry!

One thing that many people worry about when trying to make their dream career in the fashion industry is how they look! At the end of the day employers are looking for passion and dedication rather the superficial things such as the labels each candidate is wearing. As long as you stand out in what you have to offer, there is nothing to stop you getting what you want, not even the invisible Gucci belt on your waist or Prada handbag on your shoulder. Also, if it doesn't work out in the first interview, don't give up! People have usually got to go through dozens of interviews before finding a job. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

TOP 7 LFW 2019 Runway Looks On a Budget

London Fashion Week 2019 has come to an end leaving the world of fashion with a dose of new inspirations. We know... the word 'designer' might frighten our pockets, that's why we created TOP 7 looks from London's runway shows. Looking good without spending thousands of pounds? We got you!






6. PORTS 1961


[runway photos] source:

If you're an undergraduate student, don't forget about UNiDAYS, StudentBeans and NUS that offer extra discounts on clothing (and so much more).

Monday, February 18, 2019

What The F*@k Is A Mortgage?

Your go-to guide for all those adult terms you hear every now and then but have no clue what they even mean. 

This year is a significant year that most millennials will come face to face with serious responsibilities, pivotal decision making and grasping the meaning of “adulting” on a new level of undertaking life choices. 

The word “adulting” alone is a new verb that has stemmed from tweets and facebook posts from most millennials in the last two years when having to practice adulthood in the real world. From moaning about having to go through adulthood or unsure about what to do when it comes to everyday life situations to praising major life accomplishments like posting, “I’ve voted! #Adulting”. We are all taking a steep step into learning what it takes to be an adult together. 

Us 90s babies, if not already, will hear lots of complicated words and terms that sound important but in reality, they're all a load of jibberish.

All the while, we’ve heard them being applied to phrases like “applying for a mortgage” or “getting a tax rebate” but what does this all mean? Why do we need to know this stuff? Almost two-thirds of Brits do not actually know what credit is, let alone their credit score. 

Understanding this over-complicated word may actually help you even buy your first car. But the reality is, most of these daunting words are pretty straight-forward when you understand the ins and outs of when and how to apply them in your life or career as the successful and independent adult you will be. 

Let's dive in… 


We’ll just get this one out the way. 

The word mortgage would only be used when you first look at buying your first home or flat but its always worth knowing what the home markets look like if the best time to buy comes around in the year. 

It is essentially a loan from the bank to provide the physical cash when purchasing a potential property. In return, the bank will charge interest to your account as a fee to service the mortgage (or loan of money). The bank will also make money off the loan in order to make a profit for providing its available cash to a home buyer so that they can own their own home.

In the UK, someone who wants to buy a house must find a house that is no more four times their annual salary. Depending on your age, most mortgages have 25-30 years to pay off the loan from the bank.

But do not fret when it comes to purchasing your first property — as when you’ve decided to apply for a mortgage, you can schedule an appointment with your bank where they will go through all your financial incomes and how to come up with the best mortgage plan for you. 

But if the bank is charging you interest? What does interest mean?


Is the percent a company will charge you to borrow a set amount of money from the bank, company or lender.

APR is an interest Annual Percentage Rate. This is a percentage you will be charged each month on top of the money you will have taken a loan from. Again, the bank or lender will make a profit off the APR in order to provide the cash up front you need to make a payment. 

This is important or used when you need money right away to help pay bills or pay off any debts up front before you are paid at the end of the month. 



Credit is almost like an invisible report card that shows how you manage your money over a period of time when you make payments and pay bills on time. It will often be used to show if you are responsible when it comes to paying back loans and if you are the right person to be given a loan too if ever needed. 

For example, if you decide to register for a credit card — your credit score begins at 0. 
Now, credit cards use “fake money” given to you by the bank that essentially isn’t yours, to begin with. However, if you use your credit card and pay it back on time every month, your credit score gets higher as it shows you are trustworthy when it comes to money. 
The higher the credit score, the more money you will be lent when it comes to buying your first car or house etc.

You may be thinking, “Well I won’t get a credit card at all to save the trouble” but really, if you have credit (hopefully good) it will help in the future when you need an extra hand from the bank to make substantial payments.


Taxes are straight forward. You can’t really escape them either.

They are practically an obligation to the queen to give a portion of your earnings for the benefit of a greater whole. For example — healthcare, road repairs, economic investment for the UK etc. 

However, in the UK you can earn up to £11,850 before having to pay taxes. 

As this is tailored to an individual’s own situation, you can check out the website below for more information on how to pay income taxes and national insurance on your wages when you get your career established. 


This a good term to know before approaching your third year at University. (Unlike myself, when it was too late to apply for one once I even figured out what it was)
Simply put, a grad scheme is a potential job you can apply for before easing into a full-time job at a big company. It looks great on your CV after you graduate University. 

Rather than working a 9am to 5pm job on a set job role, the grad scheme will take you through parts of the company and you will be able to learn and work in all aspects that help the employer function day to day. You will get an insight into all areas including finance, marketing or even communications. 

All in all, it's a great opportunity but jobs and applications run out quick so its good to get a start and your CV together ASAP.


As a UK student, you are allowed to receive £9,250 a year to help pay your tuition. This does not include the loans you can apply for to receive living costs while studying.

Luckily, you only start paying off the student loan once you’ve graduated and you're
earning a certain amount of money once you’re set in your career and are able to pay it off. 

As student loans require individual assessment, below is a link for more information on the process of seeking student loans. 

Last but not least…


You’ll find you need all the caffeine you need to fuel you on your journey as you embark adulthood!  
