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Moving Out? We’ve got you covered

Don’t want to move back in with your folks after uni? Well, it’s no surprise that so many of us dread the thought of moving back in with...

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Moving Out? We’ve got you covered

Don’t want to move back in with your folks after uni? Well, it’s no surprise that so many of us dread the thought of moving back in with our parents – all that freedom being taken away from you in an instance? No, thank you. But when it comes to weighing up your options, it can be hard to wrap your head around what choice is right for you. That’s why we’ve given you the lowdown on the different options available – to make the choice just a little bit easier.

Communal Living

Do you ever find yourself bored in your own company? Then maybe communal living is the right choice for you. Although not an obvious choice, communal living has soared in popularity over the last couple of years – and for good reason too. Not sure what communal living is? Communal living, or co-living as it is also called, is a modern-day twist to your everyday home: people have their own private rooms but often share communal spaces such as kitchens, gyms, restaurants, spas and even cinemas. Think of it as an upgrade from your halls at university – just without the drunk freshers making their way home at 4am in the morning.

Although still relatively new to the housing scene, there are a wide range of existing companies which provide this type of lifestyle across the capital including the Collective, LHA London and Fizzy Living to name a few. Manchester is also jumping on board with plans to open their own co-living building called Echo Street, acting as the perfect accommodation solution for young people in the city.

Having a wide selection of shared spaces means you’ll never have to be alone again. Plus, if you’re someone who loves the idea of meeting new people, then this way of living provides the perfect opportunity. Head of Sales and Marketing at LHA London, Laura Kerridge, states that: “many residents make lifelong friends at LHA London and we regularly see friendship groups building in our communal living and dining areas.”

Sound too good to be true? Well, communal living can be a tad on the expensive side with rooms at the Collective for around £245 per week. But there is a way around it - LHA London offers a range of deals such as reward loyalty schemes, a reasonable deposit and flexible contracts.

Flat Share

If you’re someone who loves getting more bang for their buck, then flat sharing is undoubtedly one of the cheapest living options out there. Although it might require a bit more research than say, communal living, it can be more beneficial in the long run and can end up saving you some serious cash.

There are plenty of websites to find rooms to rent with fellow flatmates including Roomgo, Ideal Flatmate and Spare Room being a firm favourite. Most people flat share with other strangers but if you want to move in with your friends, it’s worth checking to see if there are extra rooms available in certain flats.

And we’re not saying that flat sharing can’t be a sociable option either, as sharing a home with others can be a great way to make friends too. Often, it’s the company which really makes a living option worthwhile so it’s best to meet your future flatmates beforehand, if possible. Just make sure you do your research and you’ll be one step closer to living that affordable lifestyle.

Working Abroad

Does staying in the UK just sound way too mediocre for you? If you find yourself nodding your head, then perhaps working abroad could be a great way to earn money and live in another country.

As living abroad is such an exciting possibility, it’s no surprise at the amount of options there are available nowadays. Work abroad programmes are quickly becoming a popular choice with postgrads and there are heaps to choose from - whether you’re interested in working for a summer camp, teaching English or volunteering. Some great examples are AmeriCamp in the USA, JET in Japan and even Disney offers working abroad opportunities in China with their network Disney English.

Although moving half way across the world may seem like an extravagant holiday, it’s not for the faint hearted. When living abroad, many will often feel a sense of culture shock and you may be surprised at how much you’ll miss home. But if you’re someone who’s always up for a new challenge, is exceptionally daring and is willing to try out new things, then working and living abroad may be the perfect experience for you.

Check out our recent post 'A Working Abroad Experience' to discover Zoe Lane's personal story about working abroad in America!

Although the amount of living options can often seem overwhelming, there’s a suitable choice out there for everybody. If you’d rather not spend all your pay check on your rent then consider flat sharing and if you can’t wait to see the rest of the world, consider working abroad.  Whatever your choice, make sure you choose the one that’s right for you - you’re the one who’s going to have to live with it.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Summer Around the Corner

You've submitted all your assignments and returned your books to the library. Graduation is approaching, and so is the temptation to dive into the long-awaited days of Netflix and chill and doing nothing.

We're here to support you, but we're also here to remind you...

After you've binge-watched that favourite show of yours, make sure to check up on your future.
GOLD set up reminders to help you get through the summer period without giving up to laziness and putting everything to last minute.

Grab these mobile and desktop wallpapers as a reminder and a space to keep your meetings, interviews, and applications dates updated.



Make sure you are never late to an appointment, meeting or job interview!
As much as summer is all about enjoying the sun it's also the perfect time to get your sh*t together and be ahead in the game!

Monday, May 13, 2019

How to deal with end of term stress!

 GOLD know it’s that time of year, when you’re put to the test on everything you’ve learnt for the past few months and finishing those final essays. It’s never easy, but it’s important to not to overwork yourself. That’s why we’ve put together a few tips on how to beat the stress and do your best 💪

Eat and sleep well

Whether you’re trying to cram for an exam or finish an assignment it’s tempting to stay up all night in the hope that you’ll end up better for it. In reality though this just isn’t the case! Getting a decent amount of sleep can work wonders for your concentration and you wont supper the next day for it. Eating regularly and healthily is also important when doing work as it powers your brain and also affects your concentration!

Give yourself breaks

Ever work for so long that you can no longer focus? That probably means a break is in order! Whether you take 15 minutes to have a snack or go for a walk, focusing on something else for a while can give your brain a rest so that when you get back to work you feel more refreshed and ready to get back to it.

Think positively

Negative thoughts can have a really detrimental impact on how you do. It’s easy to say ‘think positive!’ but if you don’t believe in what you’re doing and yourself you’re probably not going to do your best. Taking a few moments to reflect and think about the good things can really help.


By exercise we don’t mean go and run a marathon, but a short walk or trip to the gym can really help with stress levels. Exercise releases endorphins which help to relax the body and mind and help when you are doing your work or revising.  

Focus on yourself

It’s so easy to fall into the trap of talking to others about how they are doing but this can just leave you feeling behind or like you’re doing something wrong. Try to focus on your own work and remember it’s never a race! Sometimes taking your time can work out a lot better for you!


Last but by no means least, remember to breathe. Setting aside a couple of minutes just to focus on your breathing and mindfulness can really help you to relax and concentrate far better on your work.

We hope these tips help you to do the best you can!

Friday, May 10, 2019

💚Festival season - How To Not Spend Your Entire Summer Budget In a Week💚

Festival season is fast approaching, and with that comes (ugh) a lot of expenses. We are here to help you not spending all your cash in two days. Remember, making your money last through the summer is a major key to having a successful winter, financially at least.

As we all know festival tickets are expensive. A lot of festivals have open opportunities for you to volunteer. This way you get to attend the festival, not pay for the tickets and most importantly gain job experience.

Choosing your designer wear wisely – or clothing, in general, is a major key. Survival of the fittest also should also be taken into consideration when it comes to the festival season – especially for your precious clothing. Who doesn’t want to look their fittest on this summer’s festivals?

So here´s the thing, coming out of a festival with all your clothes intact would be an accomplishment.

Dressing up in vibrant colors, and making sure you stand out is a huge part of festival season. Your choices of accessory is therefore also an important part. It’s also the items that are most likely to get lost, or stolen whatever you prefer.

Using your favorite designer sunglasses is probably the worst decision you could make. Buying accessories from Primark, or another store that wouldn’t ruin your whole summer budget.

Buying second-hand festival outfits might be a good idea. With the traditional mud bath that often occurs at a festival, wearing your favorite designer clothing isn’t the best idea. Buying second hand is in trend but most importantly cheap and good for the environment as well. Think of it as a treasure hunt. Walking into a charity shop, and actually finding treasures can be difficult, but when you do find it there is no greater feeling.

With festivals also comes other expenses than clothing (ugh) and there is a lot of them. Tents, alcohol, and transport are all part of the bundle of expenses that needs to be covered during festival season. Pairing up with a friend or two to share the expenses of travel and accommodation can save you a lot of money. Also agreeing with your companion to how much money you but in your joint wallet/purse will also help you to stick within your budget.

In the run-up to festivals, you are looking at purchasing clothes or equipment. Using a website or tool like PIWoP (Price I want to Pay) could help you save a lot of money. It allows you to create a list of items that you want plus the price you are willing to pay. You will then get a notification if any item on your list drops in price. What a dream right?

And last but not least, if you are indeed a student take advantage of that. As we are all aware student discount can save you a lot of money. Especially around festival season. Keep a lookout in all your usual stores regularly to keep up to date with the discounts.